On February 23, 2021, we lost one of the legends of crime fiction with the passing of Margaret Maron. Born in Greensboro, NC, in 1938, she grew up on her mother’s family farm in Johnston County. She shared that farm life with us in the twenty books in her Judge Deborah Knott series.
Ms Maron had been in hospice care and died of stroke-related illness.
Her first book, One Coffee With, was published in 1982.
Not only did she give us to remarkable series, she was also instrumental in helping other writers with her involvement in Mystery Writers of America and helping found Sisters in Crime to help women authors be better represented in Mystery Fiction.
If you want more information, you can read her memorial in The New York Times here.
You can also read the Sisters In Crime notification here.
And here is her obituary.
And here is a link to an earlier post about her and her characters I wrote earlier.