2021 Killer Nashville Awards


The 2021 Killer Nashville awards were announced this past Saturday. They seek to find and honor the best books of 2020 that incorporate the elements of mystery, thriller, and suspense. Here are the honorees. Congratulations to everyone who participated. (Here is the link to Killer Nashville.)

The Silver Falchion Awards

Book of the Year

Borrowed Memories by Christine Mager Wevik


 Best Action Adventure

The Crow’s Nest by Richard Meredith


Best Comedy

Con My Once by J. L. Delozier


Best Cozy

Rose by Any Other Name by Becki Willis


Best Historical

The Lost Wisdom of Magic by Susie Helme


Best Investigator

Within Plain Sight by Bruce Robert Coffin


Best Juvenile

Y. A. Irish Town by Matthew John Meagher


Best Mystery

Code Gray by Benny Simms


Best Non-Fiction

Words Whispered in Water by Andy Rosenthal


Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Odyssey Tale by Cody Schlegel


Best Short Story Collection

Couch Detective Book 2 by James Glass


Best Supernatural

Borrowed Memories by Christine Mager Wevik


Best Suspense

Ring of Conspiracy by J. Robert Kinney


Best Thriller

The Divine Devils by R. Weir


 Best Attending Author

Below The Fold by R. G. Belsky


The 2021 Killer Nashville Awards @Opening A Mystery #KillerNashville #Mysteries #Writers #readers Share on X


Claymore Award for the Best Unpublished

Winner                                               Crooked (Suspense) by Mary Bush

First Runner-Up                               Choosing Guilt (Mystery) Frances Aylor


Readers’ Choice Award

      A Palette for Love and Murder by Saralyn Richard


The John Seigenthaler Legends Award

This award is given to an individual who has championed First Amendments Rights.

Walter Mosley



Thank you to everyone at Killer Nashville for providing such an informative and

friendly conference. I hope we can get together again next year.

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